Our Services

We set a new standard for tax resolution by helping taxpayers find tax relief now, and long into the future. Andrin Tax Relief provides tailored tax solutions to treat your tax issues at the root. 

Our Solutions Approach

By simplifying our process to three easy steps we’re able to focus on crafting tailored solutions that will make a strong case against the IRS — and cut the time typically needed to resolve the problem.

Consultation and Guidance


All clients that work with Andrin will undergo a consultation with our team of experts to understand your needs and guide you through your next steps.

Problem Solving and Planning


After we’ve gathered all the data needed, our experts take over all communication with the IRS and start building a comprehensive plan that will get you the tax relief you deserve.

Freedom and Resolution


Once we’ve built a solid plan to support your case, we negotiate with the IRS on your behalf. Your tax relief matters to us and we will not stop until your case is settled. 

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How We Can Help

Most taxpayers are unaware of their options when it comes to dealing with tax issues. We are here to show you there is a way out. Whether you’re suffering from penalties or unfiled taxes, either way, we’ve got you covered.

Wage Garnishment

Wage garnishment occurs when a court issues an order compelling your employer to withhold a specified percentage of your income and return it to the person or organization you owe money to until your debt is satisfied. The IRS will stop at nothing to get you to repay them.

Even if you don’t have enough money to spare from your wages, the IRS will still withhold up to 75% until your debt is settled. We can negotiate with the IRS on your behalf to get you out of this situation. We’ve helped many taxpayers who have been impacted by wage garnishments – we can help you too!

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Offer in Compromise

With the IRS Offer in Compromise program, you can settle your debt for pennies on the dollar. An offer in compromise (OIC) is an agreement between a taxpayer and a taxing authority in which the taxing authority permits the taxpayer to pay a portion of their tax obligation rather than the entire amount.

Through the program, people can negotiate with the IRS concerning tax obligations that have been erroneously assessed or that they are unable to pay. Not everyone is qualified for an OIC, making it best to look into alternative payment options available to you. We can determine whether you are qualified for an OIC and find other options if not.

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Penalty Abatement

If you don’t file your taxes on time or don’t pay them, you may be granted a reprieve known as a penalty abatement. As the name implies, only one respite will be granted, and it must be for the tax year you are requesting for. It cannot be extended to fines accumulating over several years.

If the taxpayer can provide a reasonable justification, the IRS may be able to reduce or limit its penalty. To be eligible for this courtesy, you must have filed and paid your taxes on time each year for the previous three years. We can review your situation and work with you to present proof that you have been filing your taxes on time for at least three years.

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Innocent Spouse Relief

Did you know that there are ways to avoid paying taxes that were accrued as a result of your spouse’s wrongdoing? If you have been the victim of fraud perpetrated by a spouse or ex-spouse, the Innocent Spouse Relief program can help you prevent the repercussions of a disastrous situation.

There are several things to consider when applying for Innocent Spouse Relief, including whether you live in a community property state. It is crucial that our tax experts review and assess your request if you are eligible for innocent spouse relief in order to prevent having to pay the IRS tax burden, interest, and penalties. We can help.

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Installment Agreement

With an Installment Agreement, taxpayers are able to enter into a formal agreement with the IRS to make monthly payments to settle a personal tax burden. A payment plan with the IRS can last up to 72 months and commonly requires you to pay off all of your tax liabilities during that period.

This agreement prevents collection calls, tax levies, and wage garnishments while assisting the taxpayer in making their tax payments more bearable. However, until your obligation is fully paid off during your Installment Agreement, the IRS may continue to charge interest and a monthly late payment fee. Our team of experts can walk you through the process and get an agreement set up for you.

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Payroll Tax

If you operate or own a business with employees and owe 941 or Employee Withholding Tax, you must settle your tax problem as soon as possible! The IRS is the most aggressive when it comes to these kinds of taxes. If payroll taxes are not charged, your salary, assets, and company’s reputation are in danger.

If these taxes (Payroll Tax 940/941) are not paid for an extended period of time, the business may be forced to liquidate and all assets may be seized to pay the debt. Our tax professionals specializing in payroll tax issues will be able to discuss the solutions available to you and map out the most effective course of action for you.

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Unfiled Tax Returns

Not only is failing to file your tax returns costly, but it is also unlawful. Failure to file taxes or pay them results in harsh consequences for both individuals and businesses. No matter the reason behind failing to file, refusing to file will make things worse as opposed to acknowledging your tax debt and working out a settlement with the IRS.

Get help before the penalties are applied. The first thing you must do is ask for help from professionals. Andrin Tax Relief can assist you with everything, including obtaining the relevant information and filing the required paperwork.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Tax relief is about getting you out from under federal and state tax debt, by knowing the multitude of tax laws and programs created by the IRS and State taxing authorities. With Andrin Tax Relief, you get professional help to manage all this, including penalty abatements, partial payments, removal of wage garnishments, and offers in compromise. Contact us today to find out which program you qualify for.

There are some unscrupulous tax resolution vendors out there. First, be wary of guarantees. While Andrin Tax Relief can get you the best arrangement the IRS will offer, it takes working together to determine what is best for you. Start by reaching out to us for a safe, secure, no-obligation consult, and you will quickly see why our clients trust us.

There are three areas that the IRS looks at when reducing a tax debt: Income, expenses, and assets. We can analyze all of this for you and ask the right questions to see what you can qualify for. We will cover your unique issues, including health care costs, errors in prior tax returns, and job and income fluctuations – there may be several things you hadn’t considered that can help you reduce your debt.

Yes! We are licensed to represent clients in all 50 states. We have the technology set up with the IRS to handle your negotiation without the costly travel. Hiring Andrin Tax Relief in Illinois is very likely your most affordable, reliable choice.

Some things can be started right away – like stopping wage garnishment or liens on your assets. Depending on your case details, it can vary from a few short weeks to a few months. The most important thing is to start now and find out what steps we need to take next to protect you. We will give you consistent attention, regular communication, and experienced, professional help until your get your tax debt relief!

Recommended Reading

Let us help you solve your tax problems.

Leave your tax worries to an expert today. Andrin Tax Relief will handle everything for you.

Let us help you solve your tax problems.

Leave your tax worries to an expert today. Andrin Tax Relief will handle everything for you.